citer nie base on the true story....nk prcaya or xnk percaya is up to only just want to tell a story which is base on the true this is d story...

1 fine day, a CEO of a multinational company wants to hire a secretary...
d CEO wants a multitalented secretary to hire...
so he put a job adversetisement .....

job adversetisement for secretary
whoever person may come and get the interview
we are fair play company and no discrimination to the job seekers

so thats the job adversetisement is about....NO DISCRIMINATION

so, after some times come a doggy....
which want to do the interview
the doggy wants to be a secretary for the company.....

d CEO did not believe that a dog came to see a job...
so he said nicely to the dog...

hurmmm.....we do not hire a doggy to this job
reluctant to say that you are disqualified for this job

d doggy feel frustrated.......then d doggy put a finger to the job adversetiement...
realise that d doggy is true....
so d CEO decided to test ther doggy skill...

alrite doggy you are right...
i give you a chance to prove to me that you are qualify for this job...
in order to be a secretary...
you must efficient in handwriting...
you must jotdown whatever i said....

in a minute d doggy fulfill d task...
d CEO shocked...but he still refuse to take d doggy...
so he put another request....

instead of jotdown, a secretary also must be pro in C programme
which is a computer programming
can yo do that?

with hesitate d doggy show its master skill
doing a C program successfully......
d CEO shocked again with d doggy skill...
but he still refuse to take d doggy as his secretary...
so he put another request....

in order to be my secretary....
you mustbe multi language person
can you do that?

with a sad face..
d doggy must accept the truth that
he not a multi language person
but he wanna give it a try
so he came with this words and language....
so d doggy said............................


p/s: this story is a base story from my cute lec Dr hii....
its only a joke.....bout the important skill to master more than 1 language....:D